Saturday, May 22, 2010

Update: New Law

This is from Actors Rights Now:

This just in. SAG co-sponsered the law. They have received letters from
actors praising this new law. Please makes sure to send an email or letter
to SAG to let them know how you feel.

We have had a few of you ask why this law was created. And I know there has
been a lot of anger directed towards those who have created the law. The
short answer is that I believe the lawmakers had good intentions, they were
trying to protect us. However, they have made a blanket law with poor
language that is now hurting us. Simply put, we need to have them change
the language.

Thank you!

Actors Rights Now

They also sent an additional email, which included this passage:

Thank you for joining this email list. And I have to send a big "THANK YOU"
to all of those actors who have cc'd us on their email's to the City
Attorney's office. This is indeed the first step in what may be a long
process. I ask that you please keep up the fight, don't get discouraged.
And do continue to cc this address with those emails. They may come in
handy in the future. I know that this business can be exhausting and this is
just one more thing to add to the stress of an actor's life. But know that
in the long run, we can win the battle to change this poorly written law.
And as was suggested by a fellow actor on this list, we should also make
sure to include Paul Krekorian who is the originator of the bill at: And yes, he also has a Facebook page...

We are going to do our best to keep you as informed as possible. We know
that there are pockets of actors here and there, who are just as outraged
about what is occurring with CD Workshops. What we need, is to start
finding who they are and get them to be vocal, as well. What would be
helpful is for us to have one large group instead of tiny factions here and
there. Actors Rights Now is one source. However, we would like to
introduce you to I met with the Actor running this site today and we are joining forces to try and change the wording of the law. David H. Lawrence is the owner of this site and is really on the ball with what is going on. In addition, he knows the history of how this all
came about. He is a great resource and is working to find lawyers willing
to assist with our plight. I encourage you to go to his site and leave
comments as well as subscribe to his RSS feed.

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