Monday, June 21, 2010

The Working Actor teaser is up!

Remember how I did an interview with The Working Actor a little while back? Well, the teaser for the interview is now up on their site!

It features some photos of our clients, as well as my commercials! :)

As soon as the interview itself goes live, I will post a link here!

Other small things:

~Designed and (finally) ordered new business cards. Waaaay overdue, as my old ones were...well, old. I like the design, I'm pretty happy with the photos that I chose (all from the Broncolor shoot), and I had fun working out what text to use. I wanted to use three photos that represented my possible types, but also my personality, and I think I managed to do that fairly well.
~registered the URL that matches my new Twitter, just have to figure out what to do with it! :) I'd like to have it forward back to my actual website, but I have no idea how to do that...need to do some research.
~Excited for class this week...doing a scene from season 4 of Dexter! (Season 4 was a gift from an awesome lady--see below for more info)
~had a commercial audition for a non-union spot, being cast by the CD who booked me on my first ever commercial...first time I'd been in her office in a while, so it was cool to be back. She said I was "great" and seemed very confident in the product (a laundry detergent). Alas, no callback. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm just a little too young for some of the "Hero Mom" parts (mostly, the ones where the children are about 8 years old, or where there are multiple children...I even when on one where the eldest kid was 16, which was kinda wrong...that would have made me a VERY young mother!!). But, I still go in and do my best, because you never really know! :) Anyway, as usual, I sent a Thank You card to follow up!
~dropped off homemade cookies to my commercial rep, as well as cheap test prints of the Broncolor photos, to see if there are any they like. Hoping they like at least one or two--I 'd love to use at least one as a commercial headshot!! :)

Okay, so, now on to a shout out:

So, the truly awesome gal who brought me so much joy with the Dexter gift? Well, she has this AWESOME blog, full of funny, interesting tidbits, full on rants about political stuff, about insane products,'s so much fun and so great! Check it out!

Angry Black Lady Chronicles

No, seriously, it's totally worth your time. And, if you're like me, you'll be on it every night.


  1. Re: Forwarding your URL. You should be able to check the 'help' area on the website that registered your URL. Or Google your question and find a 'how to.' I'm not very skilled with tech things, but I managed to forward several of my URLs this way.

    Congrats on your new biz cards!

  2. i think i just peed in my pants, a little.


    i DEFINITELY just peed in my pants... A LOT.

    thanks, Danielle!

    seriously, though -- read my blog, people. don't make me come after you.
