Friday, April 30, 2010


Today was brutal! And it was brutal on various levels. The one pertaining to acting is this: I had a workshop with a major cd (with a huge show), and I sucked. I was not myself. I did a poor job on my scene, and I knew it. And, since he's blunt, he told me so. Or, rather, he told me I seemed like I was doing funny line readings and overrehearsed. And he wasn't wrong. I wasn't...myself. I was down and internal, for sure.

Now, I'm trying to work out why that was, and I think it comes down to two reasons, which are related. First, I had a shitty, long and tiring day prior to the workshop, and I was unable to completely shake my anxiousness from it. Second, he really made me nervous. During our Q&A, he told a girl off for using her blackberry to take notes, and while I understood his reasoning (he thought she was texting and that it looked rude), it was the manner in which he handled it that threw me off. After that, I was very much hiding out. I did not want to open up or play or share with him. I wanted to leave.

One of the things that I have never been great at is remaining separated from the energies of other people, while still being able to be open. If I have a shitty day, I have a hard time pulling myself out of it sometimes, and it impacts my ability to be open. If I am around people whose energy makes me uncomfortable, I tend to shut down a bit, or put up a wall as protection. And both of those things happened tonight.

So, it's something to work on. I am not normally an actor who just gives lines, and I know that my performance was entirely a result of anxiety from the previous mentioned situations. I'm pissed about it, but there's nothing I can do about it--the workshop is over and done with, and I failed to really be myself or do a good job (or as good of a job as I know I can do). All I can do is learn from it.

I really need to find a way to let go of my anxiety on days like this--even doing some meditation and breathing didn't really help--and to find a way to remain unruffled by other people's states of being. I'm particularly susceptible to other people's moods, always have been.

Anyway, so I sucked in that workshop. Learning from it. The one nice thing about it was that the reader came out to give me my score sheet and told me she thought my writing was funny. I think she felt bad for me, but oh well. I'll take the pity compliment. :)

On the total opposite end of the spectrum, I had an amazing class last night. I did a scene from Sunshine Cleaning, and I was nervous about it, but I was able to some solid imagery during our mediation/imagery time before class, and that helped a lot. My partner was also great, but she's always great like that. :) I was able to see where one portion of the scene wasn't working for me, and I made an adjustment without being prompted to do so by my coach, so the scene worked better. Since a lot of people were absent for various reasons (including my other partner), I ended up doing a dramatic improv to close class. Beforehand, I got together with my partner and cocreated some important details about our relationship, etc. And it was a lot of fun. I had a ton of emotion in it, and ended up crying pretty quickly, but it went really well--lots of strong emotion, and I ended up working really well with my partner. My one note that I received was that I could work on being more active, instead of passive. I tend to be a little subdued in my scenes and can sometimes fall into being passive in my improvs--I don't always make giant choices, but I think a lot, and listen to see if I can figure out where my partner is going or how best to respond. But, being passive means that I sometimes take my time before I speak or make a movement to push the story forward. Even though I may have a lot of thoughts going on, the lack of overt, external action might end up being detrimental in the sense that not everyone sees the internal action. So, just learning to be a little more active about pushing the story forward is good, and will serve me well. Doesn't mean I have to push or anything--just something to be aware of, that's all. :)

Anyway, I was so filled with energy and love and promise after last night's class. Just an amazing evening for me, and so happy to have had it. :)

I have an audition on Saturday, but I can't find the sides online, which is...troubling...we'll see what happens. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On the plus side...

I had a really busy weekend, going to the play and the UCB graduation show of one of my co-creators on the pilot, plus seeing The Room with Brian, which was an awesome experience. That movie is so bad. The best worst thing you'll ever seen. And in LA, they do midnight screenings every Saturday at the Sunset Laemmle. The superfans come out and you're treated to a chorus of insults and objects thrown at the screen during the film. It's insane. I've become obsessed with looking up clips of it on YouTube. Truly, truly awful.

I also set the record straight (hopefully for good) with my former co-producer. Weight off my shoulders. The situation was ridiculous.

On Sunday, I got together with my co-creators on the pilot to have a writing meeting. We looked at our pitchbook and realized we had done more work than we thought, and most of it looks great. Our next thing will be to write down the series arcs for each character. We'd talked about this ages ago, but I can't find my notes on the matter, which is so frustrating. Anyway, sometime soon, we'll have another meeting to try to remember what we had going...

I have two scenes in class this week--Mad Men and Sunshine Cleaning. I also have a workshop on Thursday, for the head cd for Modern Family. Still haven't settled on a scene for it, which is probably not wise. I think I have it down to two choices, one of which is something I wrote.

I should have the last of my reel footage by tomorrow, so I'll be able to pass it along to my friend from class, who is going to help me edit together a reel. Once that is done, I'll be able to submit my stuff to the manager to whom I have a referral. So, that's great. I also created a pdf of one of my headshots and my resume, to send to another friend who offered to pass it along to her reps, depending on how her next meeting with them goes. So, that's something. I just really appreciate the offers--it means a lot to me that people would recommend me.

We'll see how the end of this week goes--last week was so great and crazy, that this week kinda seems like a tired blur so far. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

footage, etc.

I sat up last night, because I wasn't tired, and went through more of my footage from various projects, looking for suitable pieces for my reel. Right now, I have four projects that I think have usable footage. I have one that has my best dramatic footage, but the sound is horrible because we shot it on the beach, and the amount of time it would take to clean it up would be...longer than I want to wait. So, what I'm left with is almost exclusively comedy, although each project is totally different. So, that's not bad--gives a little bit of range as far as the comedy goes.

I spent last night and this morning tangling with my coproducers on the SAG New Media short, on whether or not to put it online for people to see. I simply wanted it up as a teaching tool--to serve as an example of what can be done. But, there are concerns about the quality, which I can respect (even if I don't necessarily agree with the concerns). However, the conversation devolved into a fear based exchange on one person's part about whether my writing an article about how we got our elibility would piss off SAG, and that person didn't want their name attached, etc.

I had to control my urge to yell "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!" :) The article isn't even really about me, either. It's a POV piece, yes, but it's really more about what we all did as a team to make this happen. It's a breakdown of the paperwork process and not really about what happened on set, who was involved, etc. I don't bring up anyone's names, because the names aren't important. What we did is important.

I'm fine with not having the short online. I had thought it'd be neat to include a link to it in the article, but the article definitely doesn't need it. And if people are concerned about being identified, then the short shouldn't be linked to it anyway.

I don't know that I buy into the idea that we should be afraid that SAG will come and get us if we tell people how we did it. I think fear is infectuous, and it certainly is in this case, because it's so closely attached to the welfare of the careers of people who are just starting out. I looked at this as an opportunity to share with others and help others, which was a way to give back and pay it forward, since someone helped us.


Quick post, just to say that I did really well at tonight's workshop, which was for CSI:NY. I was a bit scattered/distracted beforehand, but I got to the studio last, so I went last, and that gave me time to settle down and focus. I got good notes from the cd, who said my work had strength to it, that I did a great job, and I showed my skills in the scene. Her main technical note was that I was really subdued in the scene, and I was walking a fine line between being too subdued and okay. For tv, I'd probably need to be more "up", but she also said that she knew that if she'd given me that adjustment, I could have done it, so that's good. :) I told her that I realized mid-scene that I was really playing things more on the subtle/quiet side, and that it might be too much so, but I figured she'd redirect me if she wanted to. :)

So, just gotta write up a thank you card, then I'm all set!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

*fingers still crossed*

Class last night was interesting--was kinda feeling off, but I think it's because I was so tired, plus so hyped when I came in...I definitely crashed midway through class and actually nodded off for a second, which is embarrassing. Had NOTHING to do with the scene I was watching or anything like that--I was simply forced to sit stationary for longer than 10 minutes and my whirlwind day caught up with me. It was literally a second, so that's not as bad as it could be. :) However, I was off during my scene, but I think it was my exhaustion and that I had some pressure on myself/expectation of myself. Doing the scene again tonight in a workshop, so hopefully I can let that go.

On the other front, I was at work today and got an email from the gal that submits me, saying she couldn't find a number for the casting office of Mad Men. So, I put out a Facebook Status Update, asking for help finding it; I sent a text to a friend who works at Warner Brothers, and HE sent out a note asking for it through his work connections; and I stole upstairs during a slow moment to log into IMDBPro to find it (by the way, that's a great investment for any actor--worth the $12 a month or whatever it is). I sent her the number I found, then received the same number from two outside sources (my WB friend and a Facebook friend), so I felt pretty good about it being the right number.

This afternoon, my gal sent me a text to say she'd called and left, we'll see what happens! *fingers crossed for me*!!!!

A friend of mine from class said he'll work on my reel, I just have to select my footage and get the timecodes, so I need to work on that on Friday. Other than that, also heard from another friend that he just had a callback at the casting office that booked me on the Conoco Phillips spot. He told them he knew me and the cds said that they remembered that I sent them two thank you cards, one for my initial audition, and one after I booked. So that's really cool--it's always nice to hear that those cards are a) received and b) appreciated. :) If he books this commercial, he'll also be working with the director from my spot, which would be funny.

Okay, have to go finish getting ready for tonight's workshop. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



I might boing through the roof with excess energy! It's all coming from the possibility of getting an audition on my FAVORITE show!!

So, I had told the gal who submits me on stuff that I just had an awesome workshop with the cd associate from Mad Men, and that she rated me 5 out of 5 in every category, had great notes, etc. I asked to be submitted on anything from that show that fit the type categories that she gave me in the workshop.

Today, a friend of mine passed along the current breakdown for Mad Men, which has a costar role that fits me!! So, I forwarded it along to my gal, along with two separate please via email--one to submit me, one to pitch me, both with info about my workshop with the associate and the date/location of said workshop. I offered to bake her something or make her dinner if she pitches me (she doesn't normally pitch).

So...*fingers crossed*!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that everyone and their mother wants on that show, and that I have some things that aren't in my favor traditionally (no reel online, no previous tv credits), BUT--everyone starts somewhere, and this could be my somewhere!!! What I do have in my favor is that I just had a great workshop with their associate only four days ago, so I might still be on her radar!

Also, had a really fun filming experience today--filmed a fake audition for a pilot that has clips of bad auditions. It was a ton of fun to do awful actor things, like mime too much and have my nose stuck in the script. :) Had an audition for a promo, which was fine, but I realized when I got home that I had totally forgotten to do the one direction that the cd asked for, which was to mime looking at a handheld tv device. Oops. Live and learn!

Oh wow, one more thing, just got a phone call about it--have secured a referral to my friend's manager, and that friend has secured a meeting with my commercial agents--I dropped off her stuff this afternoon, so that's awesome & fast! Yay!

Okay, really need to focus on my scene right now...class is in 40 minutes. Eep!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Wow, I thought I had gotten busy this week, but I just got busier...

This afternoon, I found out that I have an audition tomorrow afternoon, before class! It's for some kind of promo. I also am waiting for sides to arrive, via email, from a former student of my coach's. He's shooting a pilot over the next two days, and he is sending me sides for something to film tomorrow, before the audition. I also work all morning and need to find time to stop by my commercial agents' office. And find time to work on my scene for class.

Kinda nutty!!

But awesome. That's for sure. I love it.

...from the cosmos

When Bonnie Gillespie featured me in her Actor's Voice column, it occurred to me that it might bring me more exposure, but I wasn't really sure if I'd see anything from it. As it turns out, I've had a couple of people contact me via Facebook about the note. It's so neat to see that others are benefiting from the information, or that they have shared in the experience as well!

My acting coach just asked me to contact another old student of his, regarding the New Media Signatory process. I gave him a call tonight, got his email, and sent over the info I had written up. We'll see if it helps him at all. And, who knows, maybe he'll have a part for me somewhere in there!

I took a second pass on my article, incorporating more specific notes after doing some research, and adding at least one informational link. I removed some of the more personal touches, just to save space, as it's running about 200 words over the estimate I was given. I realized that, while my article isn't an easy, bullet point version of how to do it, it does have a lot of information, much of it specific to my experience--and, after all, it is a POV article. So...we'll see. I sent over the second draft and hope to leave it alone from here on out. Editing tends to make me anxious.

Speaking of editing...this weekend, I'll be sitting down to rework a scene that I wrote about two years ago, for possible use in an upcoming comedy workshop. I need to watch the filmed version of it (a couple of my classmates used it in a workshop that we filmed that summer), to see if there are any tweaks that were added into it. As a writer, I tend to be open to improvisation when actors do my scenes, because I feel like sometimes the actors can unearth a gem that I missed. (On the flip side, though, I get annoyed if they change something that is essential to making the scene move forward.. :-P) I'm trying to just worry about that when I'm free this weekend, as opposed to trying to shoehorn it in, say, tonight. One thing at a time, first things first, etc etc etc.

Hopefully, I will be meeting with my co-creators on the sitcom pilot soon! We've all been so busy that it's been hard to get together, which is frustrating--even more so because we're so nearly done with our series bible/pitch book. I'm feeling more open to writing, though, so that's great! I'd also like to go through the sitcom scenes I wrote two years ago, to try to flesh out the pilot that I started back then, just as a writing sample. I have a couple of ideas for features, but I'm so undisciplined about writing feature length film scripts--something to work on, for sure!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Faxed over my Contributor Agreement to Showfax today--hopefully, that means I'm all good concerning the article (except for any editing changes I might need to make to the piece). :)

Working on an email to the gal who submits me on theatrical auditions, to talk about some issues I'm having with the arrangement. I'd like to be submitted some stuff in particular, but I haven't held her accountable for it--I've made requests, but not actually asked for proof of what she's done on my behalf. So, I'm working on something to discuss that subject with her. One of the things I'm seeing a lot in my own life is that it would behoove me to learn how to be clear in taking a stand on what I want or need, without feeling like I might be considered a bitch for asserting those things. If that makes sense.

Mmkay, that's all for now.

Holy Sunday!

Not, like, literally holy, at least not for me. :)

I had an AMAZING workshop with the cd associate for my favorite show, Mad Men. great. I went in a little anxious, as I had chosen to dress in a 60s-inspired dress/look. I wasn't sure if I'd be the only one dressed up, or if it'd reek of desperation (which costuming often can), but I just went for it. I also know that their office likes people to dress to strongly suggest the period, since the show is SO specific about the costuming. So, I went for it, and I was by far the most dressed up of the women, but a few of the guys had on full suits (one even had taken the time to really do his hair in the style of the show). I was a little nervous about my scene and having not had a lot of time to focus on my work, but it ended up going really well! I got great feedback, I took her adjustment really well, got more good feedback, and she rated me 5 out of 5 in every category! I'm mailing off a thank you card tomorrow. :)

After going on a lovely, long walk along beautiful neighborhood streets and horse trails in La Canada Flintridge with my boss's dad's two german shepherds (walking them while he's out of town), I headed back to Hollywood to go on a beautiful sunset hike with my friend, Leigh (with whom I co-produced the SAG New Media short).

Upon getting home, I found that Bonnie Gillespie, the indie casting director who had recently featured me and my project(s) in her column on, had emailed me to see if I'd be willing to adapt my Facebook note about how we Taft-Hartleyed ourselves through SAG New Media, into an actual article for her column's POV section. So, I set about adding some personal stuff, more details and informational links to what I'd already written, making more changes along the way. I wrote a new bio for myself (I hate writing bios, but I think this one is okay...who knows?), then added my two current main headshots to the bundle and emailed it off to her. She's received it, and will look it over when she can. I have the contributor agreement waiver that I need to fax into Showfax all set to go, too. I'm stoked to have been asked to contribute!

I also FINALLY downloaded our actual SAG New Media short, so now I have the file and can use it for my reel. In addition, I sent the file link to Bonnie, so she can take a look at what we shot in order to get our eligibility. I have no idea when the short will end up being online, for public consumption, but maybe someday...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coming up...

In the next three weeks, I have five cd workshops scheduled. One for the cd associate for Mad Men (my favorite show); ones for associates from NCIS and one of the CSIs (large guest casts each week); one for the head cd of Modern Family (great new show, need to watch it more often, but I think I'm always out of the house when it's on); and one for a soap opera associate. Never done a soap workshop, but thought, hey, why not? New territory, and you never know what might happen!

In the meantime, am referring my friend Deja to my commercial reps. Deja is an incredibly talented actress, worked a lot in NY, been out here for three years, and has a great commercial look. She had asked me for a referral last year, but I declined at the time, because I wasn't comfortable referring anyone just then. Also, she had the misfortune of asking me at the same time as probably four other people (and I'd referred someone a couple months before). I thought that, since I just booked, it might be okay to send in a referral. :)

I need to work on my own cover letter, but I really dislike doing my own--I'm better at writing them for other people. However, I have been slowly narrowing down my type(s), especially for the idea of future headshots. I've pulled old headshots and am keeping them on my table, to remind me of what to keep in mind.

I've also started the process of going through my footage on my own, to find stuff I can compile into a reel. Since I don't really like to watch myself, it's kind of an uncomfortable task. I watched an old short that I did years ago, where I played an uber-bitchy, kinda dumb import car model--probably nothing usable, if only because of how it's edited. Very quick cuts, without a lot of time spent on the moments that I have. Also, not wild about that performance, as it's over the top, but that was what they wanted. Lots of eye rolling, if I recall. But, I look awesome in it--hair and makeup were brilliant. I also watched an improv that my coach filmed, which we shot down on Dockweiler Beach last year. It was meant to be a take off on the pilot of LOST (one of my favorite shows). The sound is atrocious, because of the waves from the ocean...but there is one scene that I could possibly use, if I clean the sound up (that'll be job...). It's by far my most emotive work that I have on tape. I have zero makeup on and there's almost no lighting, other than a bonfire, so I look like a ghost (especially because my hair disappears into the blackness of the ocean/sky behind me--we shot at sundown/night). However...I may need to invest in getting it cleaned up...

I know I have usable clips from the short that was just featured in Bonnie Gillespie's column, I just don't know which ones or how many. I also would prefer to have clips from things other than that--and have some drama, if possible. I may need to just film a separate dramatic piece. Of course, that requires some money to rent what I'd need. I have some stuff that I filmed for a friend's reel that is a few years old, but I'm not sure I can use much of it--it's great for her, but for me...I look oddly sadistic in it (I'm playing her therapist, but I ended up looking like I was enjoying her crying). I have the comedic scenes from 'Permagrin', in which I have almost no lines...but facial expression-wise, they're good. (Todd's favorite thing was to have my character being verbally--occasionally physically--abused, without responding.) And I have an old short that my friend and I shot with our respective boyfriends (well, one would become my boyfriend after the shoot), but I'm not sure I can use anything from it. I never thought I was funny in it, but other people seemed to think so. I also need to download our SAG New Media short from December, to pull my footage from that...just wish it were online! Stalemate there.

It would seem that I have a lot of comedy options, but not a lot of, then, I have to think about filming something. I have an idea for a scene, which is from a script that has yet to be produced. If I were just using it for a reel, I think it'd be okay--just can't put it online or risk being sued, I'd expect. :)

Lots to think about...lots to think about...

Oh, how I love thee...

You should visit this website:

Hyperbole and a Half: ALOT is better than you at everything

This makes me happy. I want an ALOT t-shirt. A lot. Kinda like this one:

ALOT t-shirt

Also, this is all kinds of awesome, because of the pun:

punny t-shirt

Seriously, the second one made me giggle for five minutes.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Good news, for a friend

Just found out that the Facebook note that I wrote about how to Taft-Hartley people through SAG New Media actually helped a friend get her eligibility! Love paying it forward!! For anyone who hasn't seen it...

Taft-Hartley through SAG New Media

new site for actors

A friend of a friend created this website, specifically designed to be a Yelp! for actors. Check it out!

Actor Rated

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April so far...

Well, I had an audition yesterday for an ABC Family promo, through the gal that has me hip pocketed (for lack of a better description). I thought the audition went well--the director of the spot was in the room and said we did a great job with the adjustments. But, no callback (they were this morning). So, that''s always weird to feel like you did a good job, but not hear back. Only thing I can do is try to not take anything personally and just keep focused on the next thing. I mean, you could do a flawless read, but they wanted a blonde/redhead/different race/man/midget, etc. I got to meet a new casting director, so that's always a good thing.

I'm having a little trouble this morning not feeling...discouraged, I guess. Whenever I feel like I am looking around and seeing success for other people, but not myself, I have to stop and remind myself that it's all relative. I am successful in plenty of ways, and there are many people who would look at me and feel discouraged about their own progress. I think it's human nature.

I'm so happy to be back in class, and so grateful for how much it gives me. I have class tonight, and in the next few weeks, I have four casting director workshops, so that's great. I'm looking at other options, too--more workshops, new casting directors to hit up, etc. I started the process of revamping my marketing--updated my website the other day, to adhere to some of the pointers that Bonnie Gillespie put in her Actor's Voice column a while back. I need to tackle each facet of my marketing one by one--I think my resume might be in good shape, but I'll look at her guidelines. I have no reel, so that needs to change. And I need to rewrite my cover letter, for sure. I would love to update my headshots, but that's an investment that I'm not sure I can afford at the moment...and it's probably the least necessary of the work, since I do have a ton of shots, many of them good. I just wanted to update maybe three looks to include more color and the fact that my hair is much longer and a little lighter than it is in the original shots from four years ago. (My hair was shoulder length then and darker because I had to cover up a really awful color mishap from my old stylist...and, while I love the darker color, it's really much darker than my current--all natural--color.)

I also have an email waiting to be sent out, to ask my friends for referrals/advice on agencies to approach. I kind of hate asking for referrals, because I hate the idea of being a bother, but I also am fully aware that I could use the help to get in the door. I'd be eternally grateful for it, too. I haven't been able to give that many people referrals to my commercial reps because I haven't felt like I've been in a great place to recommend them in the past. I've only given one referral, but I've been asked for more. I'm incredibly grateful to be with my reps, and I would never want to upset that balance by sending too many people in, especially during times when it's been lean for me. Since I just booked in March, I extended an offer to a couple of the people who had asked me for referrals a while ago, to see if they still needed rep. We'll see if they do.

I'm still selecting scenes for my upcoming workshops--I got lucky and a really talented classmate of mine agreed to do the scene I'd like to do for a workshop next week, so I'll get to practice it before I go in and do it. I can use that scene twice, too. So that means, two, I think I have already. The other, a comedy, has proven harder to find. But I'm might come from something I've written. :)

I would dearly love to book something else this month!! Please, Universe? :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A couple of pics from the Conoco Phillips commercial

Early morning in the makeup trailer (I'm in the chair, waiting my turn...and taking the picture)...and the set, which was an actual Conoco Phillips gas station over on the west side of Bel Air, just under the Getty. (The red Mini Cooper was "my" car in the commercial!)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Four Months In...

Holy crap, cannot believe I haven't posted since January!!

Good news is, I should have high speed internet at home very soon (like, this week). Got a new laptop for my birthday (in March), and am looking forward to rejoining the land of the informed/up to date. :)

Haven't had much time to work on writing lately--been working a lot the last few months at my 'survival' jobs. Had a few meetings here and there, mostly to work on our pitchbook/series bible. We've made decent progress on finishing the character section; about to start working on the episode summaries.

I rejoined my beloved acting class--SO HAPPY!!! Feels like coming home. :) This week will be my third week back...looking forward to what is to come!

I've had a few auditions this year (all commercial), and have already booked one spot! It's for Conoco Phillips gas stations, and I shot it last week. I play a cute girl who is flirting with a guy while pumping gas. I'm pretty sure it'll be a national spot, on cable (maybe network, too?), plus internet and I think even movie theatres? I guess we'll see! It was a long day, but I love being on set. I wasn't totally sure that I did a great job with what they wanted me to do (timing of what I had to do was off--they wanted a really exaggerated double take, which had to match a camera movement). But, we'll see--they're doing a 15 second cut and a 30 second cut, but I'd only appear in the 30, from what I could tell. Not sure when it'll begin to air, but hopefully, I can get a copy of it!

Had a fun run in with a casting director through my two 'survival jobs'--long story as to how we know each other--and she almost brought me in last minute for an audition, but I ended up not being the right type. However, I was so grateful that she thought of me and was so cool as to do something like that on the fly!! I dropped off cookies from my work and a nice thank you card the next day. Always like to say thanks to the people who give me a chance!! :)

Been going to casting director workshops when I can, getting more accustomed to the process of it and learning what I can. My favorite comment so far was "I love your real girl energy" from one cd...most consistent note overall is that I'm really natural (so that's nice). I have four more coming up in the next month, including one for a cd that casts what is probably my favorite show. :)

Also, I was just featured in Bonnie Gillespie's column on

Near the end, she features my short "Here Comes The Bride" as the Self-Produced Clip of the Week, and gives a shout-out to my Facebook note that I wrote about how we Taft-Hartley-ed ourselves through SAG New Media. :) Check it out!