Monday, January 25, 2010

New Year

Wow...2010. Crazy.

I started the year off well, with a casting director workshop with Erica Silverman. I'm trying to go to a few workshops a month, focusing on shows that I either love, or that I know have large casting needs (i.e. crime shows, etc). I also intend on hitting multiple workshops with the same casting directors, so as to build relationships with them.

Case in point, I have a workshop tonight, with a cd from Brothers & Sisters. I'm still mulling over what scene I want to perform, but I'm excited to go see someone new and play. I'm also looking for scenes for the three other workshops I have lined up over the next month--another one for Erica Silverman, one with a cd for Chuck, and one from a cd for Modern Family. I love the energy of looking for something great to showcase myself, of working out what will fit that show, etc.

In other news, we just submitted our pilot to the copyright office! It's ready to go--now, it's time to start showing it around town and drum up some interest in it. I look forward to people enjoying it as much as we do and wanting to make it with us. I have a manager that wants to read it--he reps a friend of mine, and I would love to get in with him as well. So, we shall see! Sheryl and I will be starting on episodes 3 and 4 soon, too. So exciting and fun!

As for the SAG short...the final cut appears to be done, but I haven't looked at it yet (still no computer...but that will hopefully be rectified by my birthday). I have no idea when or if it'll ever be online. There are some disagreements on how to proceed with it--one of us wants to turn it into a full blown series, develop it, reshoot it so it's perfect, etc. I have no interest in doing any of that. I think we should put it online and let it build an audience, then see what comes from it. Jumping into developing it and re-shoots and all of that seems premature. Just because a random person in the industry says it's a good idea doesn't mean they like it enough to pay us enough to recoup the costs of producing it on our own. Our original intention with the short was to get our SAG-eligibility. We did that. I don't love the idea enough to continue to work on it, and I already have my pilot with Sheryl and Zach to focus on. Being head writer on that is enough for me. But, we'll see what happens. If someone wants to pay us a boatload of money for the concept, I'll happily sell it and retain a creator credit. Kind of like that guy who is credited on LOST as a creator, but has nothing to do with me and use the idea? Sure. :)

The experience with the short has been really difficult in a lot of ways, but overall, I'm thankful for it. Yes, I got my eligibility, for which I am thankful beyond all measure. But I also learned A LOT. I really learned a lot about how I do not want to be, which might sound funny, but it's true. And that's really a great lesson. It wasn't the happiest experience, but I'm still grateful for it. I just want to move forward from here on out.

So...onward and upward! I have a feeling that February is going to be a great month for me, creatively and professionally...